Law Dogs LE-MC

Law Dogs LE-MC non-profit organization currently has over 23 chapters in various states and 1 in Europe. The Red River Area of Texas (Founding Chapter), North Texas, South Texas, Kansas, Maryland, Michigan, Illinois, Alaska, Georgia, Arizona, Florida, Delaware, Colorado, Tennessee, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Oklahoma and Romania. We are made up of Law Enforcement, Fire and EMS personnel.

The Gunsmoke Chapter of Law Dogs was formed in 2005 by a group of local public safety men and women that were looking for a group of fellow motorcycle enthusiasts that were ready for a club that was different.

Our club allows us to enjoy the fellowship of great friends & families regularly by going on rides across the state and occasionally heading out of state for a much needed change in scenery! We are always ready for a good time but are honor bound to our club code of ethics.

Our priorities are our Families, Our Professions and Our Club Brothers and Sisters.

Thank you for allowing us to enjoy your church. All of us were very impressed by you hard work in restoring it.

Jan Allen

